獨立的拇指鍵區包括了經常使用的按鍵,如倒退鍵,空格鍵,刪除和組合鍵,控制和Alt鍵在PC上(Command and Option在Mac上)。這從你的施力相對較弱與過度使用小手指重新分配工作量至更強的拇指。
Cherry MX茶軸
標準的Kinesis Advantage鍵盤採用了德國Cherry MX茶軸開關。它創建於1992年,以室壁運動“規範的半定制低力觸覺設計。“觸感”,是圍繞著讓你知道開關即將被激活的鍵的行程的中點稍隆起的力量。觸覺響應是由許多人體工學優選的,因為它提示腦手指活化即將發生,被認為,以減少與一個硬衝擊的可能性或發生率或“觸底”交換機。峰值(觸覺)力〜55gm,由〜45克的激活力以下。
Cherry MX Low-force (Brown Stem) Tactile Switch
Tactile versus Linear Feel Switch
The standard Advantage contoured keyboard utilizes the Cherry MX low-force tactile switch (brown stem). It is a semi-custom low force tactile design created in 1992 to Kinesis’ specifications. “Tactility” is a slightly elevated force around the midpoint of the stroke of the key which lets you know the switch is about to be activated. A tactile response is preferred by many ergonomists, because it cues your fingers that activation is about to occur and is thought to reduce the likelihood or incidence or “bottoming out” the switch with a hard impact. The peak (tactile) force is ~55gm, following by an activation force of ~45 gm.
Cherry MX Low-force (Red Stem)
Linear Feel Switch
The Advantage LF (Linear Feel) utilizes the Cherry MX Red linear switch. It is virtually identical to the brown-stem switch except for the absence of a “tactile peak.” There is a consistent force throughout the full stroke of the key so there is no tactile feedback unless the switch bottoms out. Many gamers and heavy typists prefer the Cherry Red’s due to their “smoother” feel. Since there is no “peak” or tactile force, the total effort required to reach the activation force of 45 gm is slightly less than with the tactile (brown stem) switch. In tens of thousands of keystrokes per hour, those small differences can add up.